Monday, August 22, 2011

Battle of Bosworth Field

‘…But the star of Lancaster, at that period, began again to culminate, and called the banished lord and his son from their retirement, to mix once more in politics. The treasured neck lace of Margaret was then put to its destined use, and the produce applied to levy those banks which shortly after fought the celebrated battle of Bosworth, in which the arms of Oxford and his son contributed so much to the success of Henry VII…’

The text above is from Walter Scott's :"Anne of Geierstein".  The Battle of Bosworth Field spelled the death of Yorkist Richard III of England, and with his death, Lancastrian Henry Tudor, the first Tudor king, acceded to the throne, as Henry VII of England. Richard is said to have fought bravely, but was the victim of subterfuge, as three of his noble supporters (two Stanleys, and Henry Percy) changed sides in the middle of the battle.

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